The contradictory of two choices above leaves us in paradox(ed) mind.. Risk and Security, Limited and Limitless, Stable and fluctuate, stagnant and dynamic.
High status employee presents us some high-style suit of man walking down the hall, charismatic, yet charming, with double suite jacket , shining shoes, and proud face. Periodically earned the same number of dollars, provided with many life-security packages (insurance, stock, car, or even house), and secured. Whether you are on-form in your career or you are out-form your sales statistic, you are still the man with the same number.
Yet, you have someone you call : Boss.
Business Owner : It's dynamic. limitless account, or in other words : you decide what you will earn. You are the boss. you are the business owner and the risk owner. Performing well in the business is a-must-scenario, or else , you will be labelled with one of the most famous terms in failure dictionary : Bankrupt.
you outshine everyone with your luck (luck is the condition when good preparation meets good opportunity), and you earned limitless number of dollars.
you outshine everyone with your luck (luck is the condition when good preparation meets good opportunity), and you earned limitless number of dollars.
Tough choice, I have to admit. Both of the ideas are not easy to conquer.
Then , people came up with this bright idea: to perform both of the paths gradually.
You work with certain company, you save the income you earned, you use the income to start your own business and equipped with knowledge, skills, and what-so-ever as your major resources to fulfill your entrepreneurship demand.
Looking at me now ..
Mediocre with nametag hanged on my shirt, earn mid-class income, and surely under someone I called : boss. By this condition, then I looked up on my same-level-age friend, with his/her entrepreneurship skill, successfully earned until 5-6 or even 10 times than me.
sad? regret? The only question came up with this fact is not about how you have to pursue the-10x-income-generator. It's about : Am I on the Right Path?
Bias ,isn't it?
I am now running as an executive representative of International logistic company. No subject other than Logistic can impress me this much.
I am working under someone I call : boss. Which in this condition, I view her as one of the smartest person in the industry, respected, wise, and the best mentor I've ever known.
I am working under one environment that provide flood-level of information and knowledge of almost all type of industries.
And lead me with one simple thought that end all my dilematic journey :
Do something that you are really passionate about. Something you love very much, and it will all be worth it.
and if one day I have to build my own business, it will be something that I love very much.
and then, like one of the most famous cartoon-movie in the world has advised me :
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift ; that's why it called present.
The clocks are running, makes the most of today.
*Bias is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives. Bias can come in many forms.
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