every designer had to finished their project right before they even started it.
What does it mean?
For example, they have to make a logo for their assignment.
The first thing that they need to do is to bring out some blank paper and a pencil.
Imagination started, and the blank paper turned into a conceptual scretch. They will add some elements, considering a several things, and finally they have done it. The logo has finished..
Now it is the time for the execution. They will start working right after they have finished the logo in a form of a blueprint.
That is what it means by "finished before start"
that's what i loved about design. They have a strong concept of their imaginery world,
they are creative, they are clever, they liked to have a discussion and brainstorming to sharpened their mind, and they have a strong belief to their own masterpiece.
I am business student. I am not taking the design study for several private reason.
Essentially, i do have my interest in building a business in the future. My own vision is to mix the elements of economic and design in one field of business.
I though it was going well. But it was not.
I need to study the concept, fundamentals, and the background of design study. I have to understand what it takes to be a designers. I need to be a creative person.
My vision is to creates a magazine, sells it, and let everyone read it. Yes, everyone in the world.
A magazine that contains an information about the business world, economics, design, etc.
creating a magazine is not the thing that i expected. But lately, i have to do some magazine project for church-purpose and i finally find out, what is the meaning of "interesting"
the biggest achievement is to see the reader's happy face after reading the magz.
I know it was like a daydreaming for me to publish a worldwide magazine. But one day, i'll do that. one day.. and i know i have a friends, family, and God standing beside me and help me to achieve it.
One day. But not today.
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