Its a paper for a designer. a plan for businessperson. a pray for Christian. a ball for a soccer player. a monitor for computer user. it is something that i need to express my mind. it is something that i need to inspire others.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
The game was little bit intense as they played a massive attacking futsal strategy which leaves them more than 8 goals in the scoreline.
The impressive Kelvin scores 3 goals, yet he failed to bring RockBay go to the finals. Stella Marris played in discipline and strict against RockBay (RB).
"We have played a good match. In football, there will always be a winner and a loser.. Unfortunately, we are the second one."
As a result, RockBay will facing GBI 2 for the third place.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Reaching Highest Potential
It is easy to get stuck in our life. When we feel that we will never be more talented than the meantime and when we think that we have reached our limit. That is very untrue.
There are gifts and talent that you have not discovered. There is a hidden treasure buried on the inside.
When God created you, He not only breathes His life into you, but He deposited a part of Himself into you. He put in you everything you need to fulfill your destiny. On the inside, you have seeds of greatness waiting to take roots and blossoms.
If we are going to step in to this hidden treasure, we have to have a pioneering spirits. Do not die with the treasure still buried. You have to unlock the treasures. You have talents and abilities that have not yet come out. My challenge to you: Do not die with the treasures still buried. We have to release the treasures.
Sometimes God will give you the exciting opportunities. May be one of you will be pointed as liturgies, musician leader, new position of job, new career, or head of some certain projects. Unfortunately, very often, we respond it in wrong way. Most of us will say,” I feel that I am not qualified”. “I have no talent in that fields”, “I am so nervous”, “I have no experience enough”.
You might not feel that you cannot do that, but when you step in that faith, God will help you and that is the time when the treasures will be unlocked and released. That is the only way to discover a new gift and talents that locked inside your body.
You have to step out of your “comfort zone” and step in to the “faith zone”.
Thanks to Kelvin and Tommy who scores in the match.
Actually, Rockbay has the same point in the table with NOS, but they were automatically went to the next round because of they are better at scoring goals.
RockBay will facing either Jondut, Rosso Toro , or Stella Maris in semi finals.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
"It was a mistake. For now we will put our best effort for upcoming match. NOS is a great team. They have true skills and motivation. It will be a great match on Saturday" said RockBay Captain, Kelvin.
Lack of focus in the early minutes force them to change the formation inconsistently, which makes easier for opponent to score more goals.
In the second half, they were perform better even they were still below par.
"Absolute disaster. It was a poor match" Said Benny, The goalkeeper.
This Saturday,April 19th, 2008, Rockbay will have no choice but to win the game against NOS, the team that beat GBI 1 and held a draw match against GBI2, the team that beat Rockbay 7-3.
Kelvin says, "We will prove it that we are still the champion"
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Realistic Relationship
a husband expect to have a good understanding with his wife..
a woman always expect her boyfriend to love her.
a son always says :" my dad always care for me. He always love me."
But i have to say that those kind of relationship is unrealistic..
no matter how good people to you, how loving your wife to you, how care your parents to you, at some point, most likely, they will disappoint you. They will hurts your feeling.
unfortunately, when they makes some mistakes, we responded wrongly.
we tends to avoid them ,treat them like they irritates you..
and we focusing on their mistakes and weaknesses.
you have to give them a room to make a mistake. You have to give them a grace to be a human. They are not perfect, yet they did many mistakes.
I want to encourage you to overlook their weaknesses. Learn to look on their positive sides.. try that to your best friend that hurt you or your girlfriend that hurts your feelings, and you'll find a thousand positive sides of them and just a few negative sides.
I know sometimes is irritating..
Try to ask God to give you strength and patience in your relationship.
you always needs to involves God into your relationship.